🐏 Aries ~ The Ram, Eclipse Season, Herbs for Allergies, and Dune II

Alejandra Cruz


Life bursts forth! Budding flowers open. Without warning there is now movement and action. This is the intuitive spark of creation. Feels like chugging a coffee as the sun hits your skin on a warm spring day. Go fast or get out of the way! Act now and think later. Honk your horn if you want to. Don’t second guess yourself because you as an individual absolutely matter. Before you know another, you must know yourself. Feel your vitality pulsating through your body. Do something with it: climb a tree, pump some iron, start a sword fight. Anything to effectively circulate the blood. If your face turns red, that’s even better. Consider it an homage to the ruling planet, Mars. Stand up for what you believe in, a little healthy conflict never hurt anyone. How will you ever know your strength if you don’t test your courage? A true warrior would never back down from the chance to become a hero.

πŸ”₯ DUNE II SPOILER ALERT πŸ”₯ 1:01:22 - 1:10:01


Listen to full episode :


πŸ‚ Taurus ~ The Bull, Sensing Comfort, A Plant Called Lovage, & The Values of Thought Leaders


🦁 Leo ~ The Lion, Calendula, Carl Jung, Developing Ego