🐂 Taurus ~ The Bull, Sensing Comfort, A Plant Called Lovage, & The Values of Thought Leaders

Artwork by Akasha Goods


Time to slow it down. There’s no need to rush. Pack your bag slowly, pack everything you need ~ comfort is key. Bring your nice pillow, plenty of snacks, comfy socks are a must. We’re headed to the woods to commune with good ol’ momma earth. Invite only your closest friends; the ones that will have your loyalty until the bitter end. Frolic in the sunshine and take off your clothes. Take the time to oil your body. Invoke all five senses. Don’t let anyone tell you you’re wrong. Build a fire, feel the warmth on your skin. Roast a S'more, taste the sticky sweetness. Hear the birds whistling to your from the trees. Watch the sun sit. Inhale that fresh forest air and sleep until your heart is content. It’s that simple.

Checkout this beautiful Mantra album by Audrey Lobdell & Alison Beckner:

Heart Medicine


Listen to full episode :


🐉 Ariana Del Rio ~ Ancestral Work, Mother Cacao & Dragon Devotion


🐏 Aries ~ The Ram, Eclipse Season, Herbs for Allergies, and Dune II